Qurs Jawahar Mohra Strengthens principal organs like the liver, brain, and heart. It also increases the ‘mediatrix natural’ (Hararat gharizi), tones up the heart. The miraculous effect may be observed in syncope.
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₨ 170
20 tabs
Qurs Jawahar Mohra Strengthens principal organs like the liver, brain, and heart. It also increases the ‘mediatrix natural’ (Hararat gharizi), tones up the heart. The miraculous effect may be observed in syncope.
Ashoka Bark
Kora Sakh / کوڑا سکھ
Kara Chhaal / کڑا چھال
Bao Phali Bhoo Phali Boo Phali
Fuller’s Earth
Chlorophytum Borivilianum
Wild Mint
Babool Leaves
Black Cumin
Chaksu Seeds
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